Battle For The Net

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If you woke up tomorrow, and your internet looked like this, what would you do?

Imagine all your favorite websites taking forever to load, while you get annoying notifications from your ISP suggesting you switch to one of their approved “Fast Lane” sites.

Think about what we would lose: all the weird, alternative, interesting, and enlightening stuff that makes the Internet so much cooler than mainstream Cable TV. What if the only news sites you could reliably connect to were the ones that had deals with companies like Comcast and Verizon?

On September 10th, just a few days before the FCC’s comment deadline, public interest organizations are issuing an open, international call for websites and internet users to unite for an “Internet Slowdown” to show the world what the web would be like if Team Cable gets their way and trashes net neutrality. Net neutrality is hard to explain, so our hope is that this action will help SHOW the world what’s really at stake if we lose the open Internet.

If you’ve got a website, blog or tumblr, get the code to join the #InternetSlowdown here: https://battleforthenet.com/sept10th

Everyone else, here’s a quick list of things you can do to help spread the word about the slowdown: http://tumblr.fightforthefuture.org/post/96020972118/be-a-part-of-the-great-internet-slowdown

Get creative! Don’t let us tell you what to do. See you on the net September 10th!

via Battle For The Net.


A l’heure où Internet est un outil mondial, à l’heure où nous tentons d’initier nos jeunes à une utilisation responsable et efficace d’Internet, les lobbys et autres gouvernements préféreraient avoir la main mise et censurer et ralentir Internet.


Non à cela!

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Conseillère pédagogique et développeuse PHP, passionnée de nouvelles technologies, de l'histoire (particulièrement l'Antiquité et la Second Guerre Mondiale) et des jeux vidéo, j'aime écrire, tester et partager.

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